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Showing posts from October, 2008

Unconditional Love...

Have you ever tried Loving Someone without any condition? Without asking something in return? That you will give all what you have and sacrifice things to make him/her happy? No "because, but or if". Love comes in an unexpected time and probably to the unexpected person. It's just like a trap, once you will yield into it and begin to enjoy what you have felt, suddenly you will realize there's no way out and that's it, you might be happy or full of regrets and misery. Some lovers who enjoys it very much don't want to loose that wonderful moment or feeling and wanted to be trapped forever, then the Unconditional Love takes place, that you will love and understand each other no matter what happens even in good or bad times, giving up pride and let love and respect rules. Others who realize that he's/she's not enjoying or happy anymore grabs the chance to find their way out. Of course if your not happy and contented why prolong your agony? Maybe one day yo

The Most Sweetest Kiss...

August 29, 2004, Sunday @ 8:00pm. It was all started with friendship and as the time passes by that friendship becomes love. The night was perfect, we're both sitting on a small bench and counting the shining stars in the sky as we enjoy talking to each other. The cold wind blew, so we have to get inside the house and watch TV instead. We both feel the warmth of our bodies as we closely lying together on a small sofa. We can't escape to stare each others eyes and steal a smack kiss on our lips and as if nothing happened divert our attention watching TV, and again steal a smack kiss, then watch TV. But on the third time, it was not a smack kiss anymore, but a breathless and "the most sweetest kiss" that I've ever experienced in my whole life.

The Birth of Rated18 Moments of Love Blog

Out of curiosity I was convinced by a friend to create my very first blog. Built out of ignorance, friendship and love, but at the right moment. The title itself is not planned nor an accident but came up through sharing of ideas and wonderful emotions among of my friends. Hoping that in due time it will be known and visited by an uncountable readers all over the world. As an author of this blog I would like to exhort and welcome you visitors and readers to the "Rated18 Moments of Love" blog site. "Let us enjoy life while we are here in this existence and fulfill our purpose and share our talents so that on the morrow we will be proud of the our works and ready to accept our greatest reward."